By Scott Stilphen

(Updated 2-14-2025)


In 1975, Ron Milner and Steve Mayer of Cyan Engineering developed the first prototype of what became the Atari VCS.  Joe Decuir was hired later that year to help with debugging the prototype and to help with building the first gate-level prototype.  The following year, Decuir apprenticed for famed IC designer Jay Miner, who was brought on to be the lead chip designer and who created the TIA chip (Atari purchased Cyan Engineering at this point, and renamed it Grass Valley Research Center).  Miner later designed the ANTIC and CTIA/GTIA chips that were the heart of Atari's 400/800 computers and subsequent variations, and the Commodore Amiga computers - the true successor to the 400/800.

Here's the pinouts for both the NTSC and PAL versions of the TIA:


Here's the pinout for Coleco's VIC (TIA clone) that was used in their Colecovision Expansion Module #1 and the Gemini Video Game System:

Atari used least 12 different (NTSC) versions of the TIA: 

1 shows 2 sprites *

2 shows 3 sprites *

3 has an issue with Wall Ball, and may either show 2 or 3 sprites *.

Version 4 has a slight issue with starfield in Cosmic Ark and Journey Escape, and may either show 2 or 3 sprites *.

5a has an issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and may either show 2 or 3 sprites *.

Version 5b has an issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and may either show 2 or 3 sprites *. Also has a slight issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield.

6 has the score counter issue with Kool-Aid Man, Thunderground (Anteater is still unreleased, but should exhibit same issue), the issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco,
the issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (PIC), and shows 3 sprites *.

Version 7 has an issue with Kool-Aid Man, Ebivision's Pac-Man, and Pesco, and Pitfall II: Lost Caverns. This exists in NTSC 2600 "JR" systems that feature a 1-chip pcb.  The "JR" system was originally designed to incorporate a new 3-in-1 chip called "JAN" - short for Janice - which combined the CPU, TIA, and RIOT chipset). The chip is dated 1987 Atari but has no manufacturer info, and only has mono sound output! The pcb is marked "Rev 4" and there's no date or "ACTION" name on it:

C101688-002 -- Found in a Rev 4 2600 JR. "2 or 3" shows 3. Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots. Kool-Aid Man score counter is offset to the right side of the screen. Unique issue with Cosmic Ark starfield that changes slightly as the chip warms up (V3 PIC). Also has issue with Stay Frosty (PIC).

Version 8 was used in most PAL JRs and all PAL 7800s that reveals a problem with PAL Centipede and the 1987 re-release of Millipede.  Using the Activision work-around method of avoiding the HMOVE lines doesn’t work on some PAL 2600 JR (all-black) models.  Also, like the 3-in-1 2600 JR chip, the TIA chip in PAL versions of the VCS only have mono sound output.  According to Joe Decuir, the PAL version of TIA was called PAULA.

Version 9 has an issue with Frogger II: Threeedeep! and is found in certain 7800 systems.

Version 10 is found in 2600 "JR" consoles (both NTSC and PAL) that are made in China after late 1989. The signal timing in the TIA for the shifting pulses for the movable objects seems to be a little off from older versions of the TIA. Therefore when a game starts the shifting process in such a way that some of the shifting pulses happen during the visible part of the screen, the movable objects might be positioned slightly differently. This affects all PAL 7800 consoles, too.

Version 11 was found in Atari's Tournament Table arcade machine, which uses a variant of the VCS hardware.  The pcb includes a CPU (#1), a TIA (#2), and 2 RIOT chips (#3):

MAC010444-11 RY1 7802 -- Found in an Atari Tournament Table arcade pcb Rev B (1978).  "2 or 3" shows 3.  Has issues with Centipede (PIC), Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC), He-Man (V2 PICS), and Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco.

C010444-03 7749S -- Found in an Atari Tournament Table arcade pcb Rev B (1978).   "2 or 3" shows 2.

There's also all the 3rd-party systems and adapters, which often used bootleg TIAs (a few are listed here).  Several Brazilian pirate systems use a 3-in-1 chip.  There's no manufacturer info on them and the chip number is either 6591 or 6592.  The pinout below shows 4 pins not marked.  These could be for the paddles, as any console using this chip doesn't work with paddles.

6591 -- Found in a Dar Yar Television Computer System.

6592 -- Found in a Technogame Phoenix.

Once the list is more complete, the information could be incorporated into an emulator like Stella, as well as help homebrew programmers to make sure any tricks they use would be compatible across every variation. If you have any information to add, please email me.

Mark De Smet scanned in a 5-page set of original TIA schematics.  In 2003 Andrew Towers comprised a list of notes about the TIA.


These are the games known to have issues with certain TIA chips:

*2 or 3 - a test program written by Eckhard Stolberg that was posted on Stellalist. The program shows either 2 or 3 columns of sprites, depending on what TIA is used. This denotes a slight difference between the 2 most-common TIA versions, although neither is a clear indication of any known incompatibility issues with any games.  The differences could also be attributed to temperature issues with the TIA chip itself, as shown in this video.
Anteater -
still unreleased, but should exhibit same issues as Kool-Aid Man and Thunderground.
BMX Airmaster - incompatible with some original “heavy sixer” 6-switch VCS models (yet to verify). The right edge of the half-pipe may not be highlighted.
Boulder Dash - since the game uses the same code from Cosmic Ark to generate the starfield on the title screen, all the same issues apply with this game (PIC).
Centipede - issue with the title screen (PIC).  This only happens with the NTSC version.  Note: the starfield is the result of a bug in the TIA chip (
Cosmic Ark
- the starfield may either have more stars (V1 PIC), a single vertical column of stars (V2 PIC), or elongated stars (V3 PIC).  The starfield pattern is the result of two different clock timings beating against each other
Entombed - The make-break counter is corrupted some 2600 "JR" consoles (confirmed on both the 1986 Taiwan small rainbow & 1989 China large rainbow models).  I should note that both of my consoles also have the known problems with the score counter in Kool-Aid Man, Spider Fighter, and Thunderground.

Frogger II: Threeedeep! - (yet to verify).
G.I. Joe: Cobra Strike - issue with the Cobra's head that may look similar to this (PIC).
Halo 2600 - issue with the 1-chip NTSC 2600 "JR" variant that may cause the starfield on the title screen to disappear.
Harmony - issue with Escape from the Mindmaster and certain TIAs (INFO).
Journey Escape - issues with starfield (same as Cosmic Ark).
Kool-Aid Man - issue with score counter (INFO). 
Confirmed on both the 1986 Taiwan small rainbow & 1989 China large rainbow models.
Masters of the Universe: The Power of He-Man - issues with title screen graphics (V1 PICS) (V2 PICS).
Pac-Man (Ebivision) - issue with stray dots (INFO).
- issue with stray dots (INFO).
Pitfall II: Lost Caverns - issue with the 1-chip NTSC 2600 "JR" variant. The game doesn't do an HMOVE in every line, so not all lines start with an eight pixel blank. The program tries to hide it with displaying a black eight pixel wide copy of missile 1 in those lines where it doesn't do an HMOVE, but with this system, these missiles are shifted one pixel to the right (VIDEO). If you run Pitfall II in Stella and disable missile 1 with ALT-V, you can see what this looks like.  There's a small glitch where stray pixels or a line appears next to Pitfall Harry's head with some 7800 models (PICS).
Planet Patrol - issue with player ship graphics.  Same TIA also has issues with Kool-Aid Man.
Polaris - the PAL version has an issue with some PAL consoles (PICS).
Pursuit of the Pink Panther - apparently has an issue displaying the Inspector Clouseau character with Gemini consoles.
Spider Fighter - issues with the score counter and copyright info with some NTSC 2600 "JR" and PAL consoles (PICS)
(confirmed on both the 1986 Taiwan small rainbow & 1989 China large rainbow models).
Stay Frosty
- issues with the starfield (same as Cosmic Ark V1) (INFO).
Thunderground - issue with score counter (INFO). 
Confirmed on both the 1986 Taiwan small rainbow & 1989 China large rainbow models.
Wall Ball - incompatible with certain TIAs (INFO).

Below is the current master list of TIA chips:

American MicroSystems (AMI)

C010444-01 7749FF -- Found in a Rev 8 (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-01 7750XG -- Found in a Rev 8 (1977).

C010444-01 7801BA -- Found in a 4-switcher.

C010444-01 7812MS -- "2 or 3" shows 2. Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots.

C010444-01 7814QA -- Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2. Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots. 

C010444D-01 8010TL -- Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 3. Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots. Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444D-01 8027PX -- Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8028MS -- "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8029CU -- Found in a Rev B (1977). 

C010444D-01 8031CS -- Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 3.  Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444D-01 8031QU -- Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.  Wall Ball exhibits issues.

C010444D-01 8033BB -- Found in a Rev B (1977).

C010444D-01 8035IR -- Found in a Rev C (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8036DAG -- Found in a Rev B (1977).

C010444D-01 8051AHH -- Found in a Rev C (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2 at first, and then 3 after it warms up.

C010444D-01 8051ALR -- Found in a Rev C (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8105DAC -- Found in a Rev C (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8108DAL -- Found in a Rev 9 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3. Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots. Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V2 PIC).

C010444D-01 8108DAO -- Found in a Rev 9 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3. Wall Ball exhibits issues.

C010444D-01 8111IAJ -- Found in a Rev C (1977) and a Rev 8 (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8115KZ -- Found in a Rev 9 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8116XP -- "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8117BBQ -- Found in a Rev 12 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8117BQB -- Found in a Rev B (1977).

C010444D-01 8117MAE -- Found in a Rev 12 (1980). "2 or 3" shows

C010444D-01 8119BAB -- Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8119BCR -- "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-01 8119FZ -- Found in a 4-switch.

C010444D-01 8132MBT -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-01 8132MBX --  Found in a Rev 13 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8135BIK -- Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8135MCZ -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8135MDD -- Found in a Rev 12 4-switch.

C010444D-01 8136MDO -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980) 4-switch.  "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-01 8137DAI -- Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8137MEJ -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980).

C010444D-01 8138MEW-- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8140MEY-- Found in a Rev B (1977). 

C010444D-01 8140MFG-- Found in a Rev C (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.  This chip exhibited a heat-related problem that affected the title screen graphics on He-Man (V1 PICS).

C010444D-01 8144MFX -- "2 or 3" shows 2.  Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots.

C010444D-01 8150MAJ -- Found in a batch of items that the Irish service center Peats/Emcee tossed in 2009, so this version is likely PAL.

C010444D-01 8202MAP -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-01 8206MBM -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980).

C010444D-01 8209MCD -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8211MCP -- Only works in a Rev 12 4-switch if pin 36 is lifted, and even then there's issues. "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8214BKR - Found in a Rev C (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C011903 8214MBM -- Found in a PAL 2600AP Rev 6.

C011903 8215MBN -- Found in a PAL Rev 6.

C010444D-01 8216LO -- Found in a Rev 16 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-01 8222MEN -- Found in a Rev 16 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-01 8224BQJ -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 3.


C010444D-01 8224RP -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-01 8225EOW -- Found in a Rev 16 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-01 8227JG -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-01 8228MFN -- Found in a Sears Video Arcade II (1981).

C010444D-01 8231BMH -- "Found in a Rev 16 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3. Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and an issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444D-01 8424LI -- Found in a non-socketed Rev 16. "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-01 8712MIT -- Found in a Rev A (1984) 7800 "Action" 0287 pcb. "2 or 3" shows 2.  Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots.

C010444D-01 8715MJF -- Found in a Rev A (1984) 7800 "Action" 3187 pcb. "2 or 3" shows 3.  Slight issue with Pitfall II (PICS). Both BurgerTime and He-Man do not work using a Harmony cartridge.

C010444D-01 8725MJQ

C010444-002 8811TAH -- Found in a 2600 JR, Rev F. "2 or 3" shows 2.

8123MAB -- Found in a PAL 6-switcher.

8419ABI -- Found in a PAL "Vader".

8430ACI -- Found in a PAL "Vader".



C010444-31 8835WEA -- Found in 2600 JR.



C010444-23 8131 -- Found in Rev C (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 3.


"MA" (?)


C010444-11D 7812 -- Found in a "heavy sixer" Rev B.  "2 or 3" shows 3.  Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and an issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).

C011903-11 7934 -- Found in a PAL 6-switch Rev A.

Click HERE to view

CO11903-11 8008 -- Found in a PAL system.

C010444-11D 8013 -- Found in a Rev B (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444-11D 8015 -- Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.  Issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-11D 8020 -- "2 or 3" shows 3. Wall Ball exhibits issues.

Click HERE to view

CO11903-11 8045 -- Found in a 6-switch.

Click HERE to view

CO11903-11 8102 -- Found in a Rev B (1978) PAL system.



C010444D-05 8138 -- Found in a Rev 13 4-switch.

C010444D-05 8144 -- Found in a 4-switch. "2 or 3" shows 2 until the chip warmed up and showed 3.  Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444D-05 8147 -- Found in a Rev 12 4-switch with pin 36 lifted up. Not sure what the reason was, as it worked fine with the pin in the socket. "2 or 3" shows 2.


National Semiconductor

C010444D-19 B201 -- Found in a 6-switcher. 

C010444D-19 B204 -- Found in a Rev C (1977). 

C010444D-19 B208 -- Found in a Rev C (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-19 B219 -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.


OKI Semiconductor (OKI)

C010444-22 M3980 1Y42 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows .

C010444-22 M3980 3563 -- Found in a non-socketed Rev 16 "Vader". "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-22 M3980 4560 -- Found in a non-socketed Rev 17 "Vader".

C010444-22 M3980 4561 -- Found in a non-socketed Rev 17 "Vader". "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-22 M3980 4653

C010444-22 M3980 6904 -- Found in a Rev A (1984) 7800.  "2 or 3" shows 2.  Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 0Z71-- Found in a Rev 12 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.  Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 1151 -- Found in a Rev C (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 3.  Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and an issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 1374 -- Found in a Rev B (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 2.  Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 1742 -- Found in a Rev B (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 3.  Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and an issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 1953 -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.  Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 1955 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).

C010444-22 MSM3980 1957 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).

C010444-22 MSM3980 1Y58 -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.  Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 1Y64 -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.  Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 1Z55 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-22 MSM3980 1Z56 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).

C010444-22 MSM3980 2247 -- Found in a Rev 16 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-22 MSM3980 2259 -- Found in a Rev 16 (1980).

C010444-22 MSM3980 2263 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3. Has issue with Stay Frosty (PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 2445 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-22 MSM3980 2461 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 3.  Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and an issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 2469 -- Found in a Rev 16 "Vader".

C010444-22 MSM3980 2473 -- Found in a Rev 16 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3.  Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and an issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-22 MSM3980 2551 -- Found in a non-socketed Rev 16 "Vader". "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-22 MSM3980 2584 -- Found in a Sears Video Arcade II.



C010444-03 7732D -- "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-03 7742D -- "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444-03 7743S

C010444-03 7749S -- Found in a Rev B (1977) "heavy sixer".   "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-03 7801S -- Found in a 6-switcher.

C010444-03 7808S

C010444-03 7810D -- Found in a Rev B (1977).

C0104440-03 7814S -- Found in a Rev B (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 2. Wall Ball exhibits issues.

C010444-03 7817D

C010444-03 7820D -- Found in a Rev B (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-03 7823S -- Found in a Rev B (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-03 7829S -- Found in a Rev 8 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-03 7836E -- Found in a Rev B (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8007D -- Found in a Rev A (1984) 7800.

C010444D-03 8015D -- Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 2.  Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V2 PIC).

C010444D-03 8019E -- Found in a Rev B (1977) and a Rev 12 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8031E -- Found in a Rev B (1977) and Rev 5 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.  Has a heat-related issue with Stay Frosty.

C010444D-03 8034E -- Found in a Rev B (1977). 

C010444D-03 8036E -- Found in a Rev 5 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8108 -- Found in a Rev B (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8113D -- Found in a Rev 12 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8114D -- Found in a Rev B (1977).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8115D -- Found in a Rev 12 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8117 -- Found in a Rev 12 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 3.  Stay Frosty issue with starfield (but not with Cosmic Ark).  Wall Ball exhibits issues.

C010444D-03 8130 -- Found in both a Rev B (1977) and a Rev 13 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.  Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots.

C010444D-03 8139 -- Found in a Rev 12 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2. Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V2 PIC). Also has issue with Stay Frosty (PIC).

C010444D-03 8143 -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980).

C010444D-03 8144 -- Found in a Rev B (1977).

C010444D-03 8145 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.  Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots.

C010444D-03 8146 -- Found in a 6-switch Rev C (1977), Rev 12 (1980), and Rev 13 (1980).  "2 of 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8147 -- Found in a Rev C (1977).

C010444D-03 8208 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3.  Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots.

C010444D-03 8212 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8214 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).

C010444D-03 8216 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980) and a Rev 16 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8222 -- Found in a Rev 16 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.  Also found in a Sears Video Arcade II (1981).

C010444D-03 8223 -- Found in a Rev 16 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8225 -- Found in a Rev 16 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8229 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980).  "2 or 3" shows 3.

C010444D-03 8310 -- Found in a non-socketed Rev 16.  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8319 -- Found in a non-socketed Rev 14 (1980).

C010444D-03 8321 -- Found in a non-socketed Rev 16.  "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444D-03 8325 -- Found in a non-socketed Rev 16.

C010444D 8404 -- Found in a non-socketed Rev 16. "2 or 3" shows 3.  Also Found in a 7800 with different results - "2 or 3" shows 3. Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots.

C010750-03 7739D -- Found in a "heavy sixer".

C011903-03 8138 -- Found in a "Vader" 2600AP (PAL) Rev 6.

C011903-03 8222 -- Found in a "Vader" 2600AP (PAL) Rev 6.

C011903-03 8307 -- Found in a "Vader" 2600AP (PAL) Rev 6.



C010444-11D 8141 -- "Found in a Rev B (1977). "2 or 3" shows 3. Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and an issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-11D 8142 -- "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-11D 8145 -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2. 

C010444-11D 8203 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3. Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and an issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-11D 8309 -- Found in a Rev 16.  Chips are socketed.

C010444-11D 8318 -- Found in a Rev 16.

C010444-11D 8348 -- Found in a Rev 16.

C010444-11D 8410 -- Found in a Rev 16 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-11D 8413 -- Found in a 7800, Rev A 1984. "2 or 3" shows 2.

C011903-11 8151 -- Found in a 4-switch 2600AP (PAL) Rev 5.

C011903-11 8344 -- Found in a PAL 2600 JR, Rev. B.


United Microelectronics Corp (UMC)

Click HERE to view

UM6532 8611C -- Found in a 2600 JR, Rev C.  This chip exhibited a heat-related problem that affected the score counter and timer in Kool-Aid Man.  As the chip got warmer, the digits slowly moved to the right (GIF).

UM6526N 8637C -- Found in a 2600 JR, Rev D ("ACTION" not printed on pcb). "2 or 3" shows 2.

UM6526N 8639C -- Found in a 2600 JR, Rev C.  "2 or 3" shows 2.  Slight issue with Cosmic Ark starfield (V1 PIC).

UM6526N 8717S -- Found in a 2600 JR, Rev C. "2 or 3" shows 2.

UM6526N 8639C -- Found in a PAL 2600 JR, Rev F.

UM6526P1 6936S -- Found in a PAL 2600 JR.

UM6526P1 8846S -- Found in a PAL 2600 JR, Rev F.

UM6526P1 9134S -- Found in a PAL-B 2600 JR.

UM6526P1 9212T -- Found in a PAL 2600 JR, Rev F.1.1.

Click HERE to view

UM6532 8650C -- Found in a 2600 JR.



C010444-20 8203-003 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3.



C011903-11 7834 -- Found in a 6-switch (PAL) Rev 1.

CO10444-8637 -- Found in a JR, Rev C. "2 or 3" shows 2.

C010444-20 8001 8116-582 -- Found in a Rev 12 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3. Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and an issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).  

C010444-20 8001 8123-618 -- Found in a Rev 13 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3. Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco.  

C010444-20 8001 8126-641

C010444-20 8001 8152-A002 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3.  Has issue with Ebivision's Pac-Man and Pesco, and an issue with Cosmic Ark's starfield (V1 PIC).

C010444-20 8706 -- Found in a Brasar Brasvision clone.


C010444-20 8001 8210-010 -- Found in a Rev 14 (1980). "2 or 3" shows 3.

FR6170 HH36 -- Found in a Funvision Hi-Score-MK3.

KSC131 9024S -- Found in a Rev B 1/90 Dactar Video Game.

KSC131 9038S -- Found in a Dactar Video Game.

KSC131 9038T -- Found in a Dactar Video Game.



VF4013 4583 -- Found in a Coleco Gemini, Rev C. "2 or 3" shows 2.

E4002 8251 -- Found in a Colecovision Expansion Module #1, Rev G (1982).

E4002 8253 -- Found in a Colecovision Expansion Module #1.

E4002 8304 -- Found in a Coleco Gemini, Rev F. "2 or 3" shows 3. Issue with title screen graphics on He-Man (V1 PICS).

E4002 8313 -- Found in a Coleco Gemini.

E4002 8403 -- Found in a Coleco Gemini, Rev F. "2 or 3" shows 3. Pac-Man/Pesco issue with stray dots.


The site Visual6502 exposes a TIA 10444D chip (manufacturer and chip variation unknown) as well as a 6507:

These sites lists the logos of the more well-known chip manufacturers:

Where to buy replacement TIAs?  Best Electronics sells CO10444Ds for $19.95 each, or PAL CO11903s for $11.50 each.  Be wary of sellers such as Arcadeshop and Ebay seller "wehavethatitem" who sell counterfeit CO10444_8408s. Their chips look nothing like any listed on this page and don't even have a chip manufacturer logo on them.

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