Knight Guy In a Low Res World Castle Days

HIDDEN MESSAGE: After you beat the snail in room 70, a golden portal opens up in the lower-right area behind the snail.  If you enter it,  you'll see a message from programmer Vlad Zuniga thanking the game testers Trebor, Steve Ramirez, and "Crossbow".

Secret warp: After finding the hidden message, hit the right wall in "Room: ??" with your sword to open an entrance to another hidden room.  Walk over to the question mark on the floor and activate it to be warped to room 37, which saves you a lot of time in escaping the castle.

Hidden potion: The tree on the first screen hides a hidden potion.  To obtain it, go to the castle and get the sword in room 11, defeat the enemy, and go back to the tree and cut the tree down.  The potion will increase your reserve lives counter to 4.

Hidden heart: Screen 23 contains a chamber between the 2 giant skulls with a secret heart refill.  To gain access to it, go back to room 19 and stand on the middle ledge to the right of the screen, jump up twice, and hit the top portion of the wall.  A hole will open up.


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