Dimension X

HIDDEN MESSAGE: Sectors 2-4: “STUMCLOCK FICKLOB BISON WARNING: This disk is protected by a powerfull [sic] curse. If you begin to itch, bleed or contract leprosy please call your doctor immediately! SYNAPSE is not liable for any hospital expenses. signed, Alex the fiend. MD PHD.”

HIDDEN MESSAGE: Sectors 716-718: “Hello Mr. pirate I know you're out there, and I know your name and where you live. Big Brother is on MY side. As Federal Law states: copyrighted software is protected against duplication. So if you are thinking of copying my program, just remember this: Big Brother will get you sooner or later!”

Press CONTROL-F while loading for a Fort Apocalypse demo.

Press CONTROL-S to play Slime.

BUG: A letter in the December 1985 issue of Antic magazine (page 8, see picture) notes the game isn't compatible with the 130XE.  Attempts to load it will result in the message "Please Remove Cartridge".  Broderbund replied to say both Blue Max and Dimension X won't work, and they didn't know why.


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