Return of Heracles

I don't know if this is a bug, but I'm surprised of the values for the To Be Hit modifier between Stop (-1) and Defend (0). I think it should be inversed, because like this, it's better to move and Stop than to Defend at all.  {"Kroah"}

BUG: A part of the Hit Probability code is bugged.  At address $73C9, if the target Vigor Value is >= 3, the code branch to $73D1 (instead of $73D0).  The program never hangs, but the result is unpredictable for the State and the Stance value (it seems the memory address $C4B1 always holds the value 6).  {"Kroah"}

BUG: The possibility to Drop the Armor is implemented in the game, but disabled; the message "YOUR WORN ARMOR IS DISCARDED AND YOUR FULL DEXTERITY IS RESTORED." is in the code.  I don't know if it's intentional, but to enable this functionality, the address $A4C1 must be pocked with the value $8A (replace TAX with TXA).


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