3 main versions of the game exist.  When the game came out, players complained it was too hard, so an easier set was created (often called the “European” version - picture #1).  This was mentioned in the Summer 1981 issue of Coin Connection.  Determining which version you are playing can be discerned by noting when the first appearance of a Killer Satellite occurs, and how many asteroids appear on the first wave.  The 1st and 2nd versions are quickly identified by 6 asteroids appearing on the first screen and the appearance of the Killer Satellite on the 2nd wave.  The 3rd version includes a dip switch setting for the difficulty (easy or hard).  If set to hard, the game starts with 4 asteroids and the Killer Satellite comes out near the end of the first wave (and moves much more slowly).  This version also allows you to hunt for satellites much like you could hunt UFOs in the original Asteroids.  It also allow you to hold the fire button down for auto-firing!  Here's the technical information for the 3 versions (pictures #2-#4):

036432-01 @ FH1
036433-01 @ J1
036800-01 @ R2
036430-01 @ D1
036431-01 @ EF1
036799-01 @ NP2
034602-01 @ C8

036431-01 @ EF1
036432-01 @ FH1
036433-02 @ J1
036800-01 @ R2
036430-01 @ D1
036799-01 @ NP2
034602-01 @ C8

Rev3 (hard/easy dip selectable version)
036431-02 @ EF1
036432-02 @ FH1
036433-03 @ J1
036799-01 @ NP2
036800-02 @ R2
034602-01 @ C8
036430-02 @ D1

Although the attract screen claims a 1980 copyright, the game was officially introduced in March of 1981.

The front glass on the upright was originally square with the cabinet. This produced a glare on the screen. Atari later released a "glare reduction kit" which retro fit an angled glass into the cabinet that reduced glare. Once applied, the kit enclosed the speaker which resulted in deeper base tones. Another revision did away with the internal mirror altogether and had the monitor facing out like the original Asteroids machine.

The score rolls over at 1 million.

BUG: When you reach 990,000, your bonus counter resets to 0. At that point, you’ll earn an extra ship for everything you hit, up to the maximum of 9 (see video).







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