2 versions exist!  The original 20 level version was released by Atari in 2023 and is 16K.  The game was later revised to 80 levels and 128K and released in 2024 by Audacity Games.  The same 20 levels in the original version are repeated 4 times in the revised version.

There is some randomness in the game.  The small, shooting helicopter-type enemy first seen on level 2 will either appear close to the ground or centered between 2 platforms.  There's apparently no way to affect its appearance.  Which floor on a given screen appears as a dangerous (flashing) type is also random.

BUG: (both versions):  If the walls on the princess' level are flashing and you hover in the air and land right behind the princess while at the same time touching the wall, you'll here the sound f/x of hitting the wall play constantly while the meters count up and your bonus points are added (picture #1).  The health meter will reverse direction before reaching the right edge and start counting down.  The bonus will continue to increase.  If you earn an extra life, the wall hitting sound f/x will stop and your character will reappear at the top of the screen.  You'll then here a steady tone while your bonus continues to increase and you won't be able to play.  The score meter will eventually max out at 999,999 and the bonus sound f/x will stop but the steady tone will continue (picture #2).   {Jeremiah JT}

BUG: It's possible for both you and enemies to shoot through walls (pictures #3 and #4).  On level 13, there are 3 snake-like enemies that are behind a thick wall and it's possible to shoot and kill them by shooting through the wall.  {Scott Stilphen}

BUG: If you hover and push against a wall, you can effectively 'hang' on it.  If you push against a flashing wall, it won't hurt you as long as your feet aren't visible (a platform has to be below you - picture #5).  If you hang on the side of a wall that intermittently opens and closes, you'll be pushed far over into the wall and die (picture #6).  {Scott Stilphen}



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