2 versions exist!  With the later picture-label version, the color of the player’s car and score remain in color when TV Type is set to B&W (pictures #1 and #2).  There’s also 2 PAL versions as well.  With the picture PAL version set to B&W, the player’s car and score will sometimes ‘disappear’ in attract mode since they will match the background (picture #3).

Each wave consists of 5 tracks or screens.  The first track has a single computer car that can only change lanes at the top or bottom sections.  The second track features a single computer car that can change lanes at every section.  The next 3 tracks feature 2 computer cars that can change lanes at every section.  After completing the 5th track, the order repeats, but a reserve car is lost (if you have none left, the game ends)!

Scoring routine - Each screen or track is worth 64 points, plus 8 bonus points.  Each wave is worth 360 points, Maximum number of points is 1,080 (counter rolls over at 1,000).

BUG: Hit SELECT as the last dot is cleared.  The computer car will then drive straight up the screen and the game resets (picture #4)! {Scott Stilphen}

BUG: The manual states you can change a maximum of two lanes at a time if you're driving slow, and only one if driving fast.  But it's possible to move a maximum of three lanes while driving slow.  It takes crucial timing to do and thus not something that can reliably be done, but it involves moving in the direction you want to go, releasing the joystick once you start moving, and then moving in the same direction again.

BUG: On tracks with 2 computer cars, it’s possible to position the cars so that one of them will drive off the screen!  The car was in the center ring and started to switch lanes on the right side, only to abruptly move back to the center ring and continue straight down the screen.  After about 10 seconds, the car will return!  {James Masters, Winter 1983 issue of  TV Gamer}

BUG: On game variation #2, the computer cars for the second/right player will only change lanes at the top or bottom sections.  {Scott Stilphen}

BUG: On game variation #2, the second/right player will be able to play 11 “waves” (11 screens/tracks = 792 points) per car instead of 5, so instead of a maximum of 1,080 points, you can get 2,376!  The score counter will get corrupted.

RUMOR: On game 1, 1-player mode, when there are 2 computer cars, at a certain point the screen goes blank and the game crashes.  This may only happen on certain (7800?) systems.

RUMOR: According to the Winter 1983 issue of TV Gamer, on game 3, it's possible to make one of the computer cars suddenly turn right and drive off the screen, at which point it will appear and disappear randomly.


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