One of the very few games actually programmed to be in stereo (which can only be experienced with a modified system).

Pausing and un-pausing a game (with the TV Type switch) changes the color of the maze.

There's only 9 levels in the game.  Once you complete level 9, you keep repeating the same level.

A Sneaker from Fast Eddie appears when the game is first turned on (picture #1).  The graphics for the lower-half of the player's Eddie character from Fast Eddie also appears in the code (picture #2), but not onscreen.  Programmer Mark Turmell programmed both games.

Pictures #3 and #4 show all the different alien ships and objects, along with their respective point values, since the manual doesn't include it.  The manual also mentions there being 5 different enemy alien ship types, but there's only 4 (see bug below).  The manual only refers to them as "Enemy Ship 1-5"; the names are made up to reflect their appearance.

The program has a point table in code for shooting obstacles and assigns values of 80 for the Ghost Ship and 60 for the Prize, even though it's not possible to shoot those.  {Dennis Debro}

BUG: If you hit RESET when you grab a prize (and before you receive the full 800 points for it), you’ll receive whatever points weren’t tallied at the start of the new game!  {Pete Jalbert}

BUG: The manual says there are 5 different enemy alien ship types, and shows them in the screenshots, but the first type (picture #3) doesn't appear in the game. Picture #4 shows the different alien types that appear. The manual only refers to them as "Enemy Ship 1-5"; the names are made up to reflect their appearance.

BUG: The manual says aliens are worth more the faster they are moving, but this is not true.  They are worth the same values no matter how fast they are moving.  {Scott Stilphen}




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